Christian Craig test positief

Christian Craig postte onlangs een bericht op zijn Instagram pagina waarin hij klaarheid wou scheppen over de reden dat het afgelopen seizoen niet was geworden wat hij en zijn fans er van verwacht hadden. In zijn statement bevestigt Craig een bericht te hebben ontvangen van de FIM waarin hem werd meegedeeld dat hij tijdens de Daytona supercross van 2018 positief testte op Heptaminol.

Craig liet alvast weten dit product nooit moedwillig te hebben ingenomen, en kan hierbij rekenen op de goedkeuring van de FIM. Craig mocht dus gewoon blijven racen, maar betaalde de tol voor de mentale perikelen die heel deze zaak met zich mee bracht. Momenteel is het dus even koffiedik kijken wat de toekomst brengen zal voor Craig en zijn entourage,  al zouden de komende 30 dagen meer klaarheid in deze zaak moeten scheppen. Lees nu het volledige statement van Christian Craig hier op zijn Instagram pagina.


Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


I wanted to give an update on what’s been going on this year. On January 23rd, 2019 I received an email from the FIM stating that an adverse finding was discovered from Daytona, March 10, 2018. Most importantly, I NEVER have or would knowingly take a banned substance! The FIM has agreed that they do not believe I intentionally ingested the substance. Of course, that doesn’t take away from the fact it was there. There are two levels of prohibited substances- one would immediately suspend a rider & the other would not. Because the substance I tested positive for was on the lesser of the two lists, I’ve been able to keep racing. From the start, there was a mutual agreement between all parties to keep this confidential until it was further resolved. But as people keep asking, “what’s wrong with you?”, I feel I need to update you guys. My adverse finding was for a TRACE amount of Heptaminol, a drug I had never heard of till now. I have spent the last six months testing myself & everything I’ve ever used to find the source. With a lot of research, I am convinced that my positive test came from a contaminated supplement. I have learned many supplements include ingredients that are sourced from all around the world. Which makes it nearly impossible to guarantee non-contaminated ingredients, especially a year later. This situation has taken a huge toll on me mentally and has made it nearly impossible to clear my mind to go racing this year. I pride myself on always being honest with my fans. Knowing I’m a Dad and role model to others, it kills me to even be in this position. I cannot comment anymore and respectfully decline any interviews on this subject until it’s resolved. Which should be within the next 30 days or so. I hope this provides a better understanding on why I haven’t been myself this year. It takes a huge weight off my shoulders being able to share this much for now. Thanks for your continued support! *This photo was taken a month before I received the initial FIM email. I chose to use this photo to show my fans if I had any intention to cheat the system, I would NOT pose & sign an anti-doping, FIM poster with my 4 year old son*

Een bericht gedeeld door Christian Craig (@christiancraig) op

Tekst: Dieter Jans