Published On: 1 februari 2019

Ontzetting op de redactie en bij alle medewerkers van Transworld Motocross! Na de overname door een investeringsmaatschappij zijn alle werknemers van zowel Transworld Motocross, Transworld Skateboard en Transworld Snowboard gisteren op straat gezet.

Wat er met het magazine, de website en de wedstrijden die Transworld mee organiseert, zal gebeuren is op dit moment erg onduidelijk. Dat de harde kern van TWMX het niet eens is met de gang van zaken en graag verder wil gaan, bleek gisteren al. Oprichter en hoofdredacteur Donn Maeda publiceerde deze mededeling op de site:

I founded TransWorld Motocross in November of 2000. At the time, the motocross magazine marketplace was crowded and we were the eighth title joining in on the fun. It was an exciting time, paired with my good friend Garth Milan and teamed with Revolution Advertising – a freelance agency that laid out the magazine – we built the foundation for what would become the world’s best-selling motocross magazine within only a matter of months.

It’s hard to cover all the highlights that I’ve enjoyed over the past two decades… there have been too many. We’ve produced over a dozen great motocross movies, successfully launched the largest local race series on the west coast…heck we even had a one-year stint helping produce TransWorld Motocross Japan. Most of all, the memories I treasure most are of all the places I’ve visited and the friends I’ve made. Watching racers I’ve met as mini riders grow up, rise through the ranks, and go on to be champions, has been a privilege…

Today, we were notified that, pending a potential sale of our business, our magazine, web site, and race series are on hold. I say hold, because the same group of dedicated editors and salesmen who have built this brand alongside me are still committed to creating the same great content. We are actively working on a plan to resume business as usual.

So, as cliché as it sounds, this is not a goodbye…it’s a see ya’ soon!



Donn Maeda

We wensen Donn, Michael, Forrest en alle andere Transworld Motocross medewerkers spoedig een oplossing want het zou erg jammer zijn als dit monument zou verdwijnen uit het het motorcrosslandschap!

Foto: Transworld Motocross